>> Thursday, June 5, 2008
Your FREEBIE for tonight and a small glimpse of a few items to be included in *Jeanealogy of a Man, Part Two*, which I am going to quickly explain how to receive it as a FREE bonus!!!
I have had a VERY rough day today with my boys, who are now all adults!!! It was time for a family meeting after Robert arrived home, so naturally my designing was put on hold for the third day in a row this week!!! Come to think of it, you might not wish to take me to Vegas with you with my streak of luck this week, however, I surely could use the vacation right about now!!! Anyhoo, we accomplished a great deal at our little POW-WOW and, hopefully, things will settle down a bit now due to some misunderstandings! Communication is TRULY the basis for a solid foundation in ANY relationship!!!
I am sure that MOST all of you, if not ALL of you, will agree that times are getting pretty tough for MOST everyone. This is why I have three out of my six children still living at home. Actually, my oldest son had moved out and has been back now for nearly a year and a half. He is nearing 26-years of age. The twins will be 19 next month. It is simply TOO difficult for the "average" Joe to live on his/her own at the present time. Robert and I were reminiscing about how we were able to leave home and afford our OWN apartment making minimum-wage back in the day! I SO hope that things will start turning around for the better pretty soon. For my children's sake as well as my sanity!!! ROFL! I've been having visions of little men in white coats coming to take me away, he, he, HA, HA!!!
On to the GOOD stuff!
The rules and/or guidelines for the 3 Scrapateers' Half-n-Half is as follows:
Purchase the FIRST half of the scrapkit, *Jeanealogy of a Man, Part One* for the FABULOUS price of ONLY $3.00. Use your AMAZING creative juices and create a layout (using tonight's free scrapatit does NOT count!). Post your layout in the SPECIAL current Half-n-Half 3Scrapateers' gallery and you will receive, from me, a BONUS add-on absolutely FREE!!! Those of you who have played along with me in the past KNOW that my add-ons are equal to OR more than the first part, RIGHT??? Uh, huh!!!
For your convenience, I am now posting DIRECT links to the kit in my 3S store as well as a link to the proper gallery for you to upload your layout to. I cannot wait to see your MASTERPIECES and if you've noticed that I've temporarily moved the slideshow for *Those Were The Daisies*, that is to make room for a NEW slideshow to showcase ALL of the layouts that are posted in the gallery. You may add your layout to the slideshow after posting to the gallery, but if not, I will post it for you.
My Half-n-Half chat is scheduled for Thursday night, June 12th (the day after my birthday!) at 10:00 pm EST. For those attending the chat, you will receive yet MORE free goodies that will coordinate with *Jeanealogy of a Man*!!! You just NEVER know what I might have awaiting you!!!
Oh, I almost forgot. I will be posting in the FORUM sometime tomorrow and I will place the DIRECT link to it right along with the gallery so that you can post the link to your layout once uploaded. The reason we ask that you post your link in the forum is to make sure that we DO NOT miss any layouts that may have been uploaded to the incorrect gallery. There are TOO many layouts being uploaded each day to go searching through the gallery to locate them, so posting in the forum makes it a SURE thing for receiving your BONUS!!! Your BONUS will be sent to you via the 3Scrapateers's "private messaging" system.
The DEADLINE for posting your layout will be MIDNIGHT EST, Friday, June 13th (my LUCKY day!), however, I will still be checking for layouts posted Saturday morning. If you have ANY questions or concerns, please e-mail me: lindawalton (at) 3scrapateers (dot) com
I have really had a FUN time with this kit having a HOUSE-FULL of men!!! Although I've not really advertised this as a FATHER'S DAY scrapkit and if you know me well enough by now, it will make for WONDERFUL Father's Day layout and/or cards and altered projects, however, it is versatile enough for EVERYDAY scrapping as well!!! With MOST of us being on fairly TIGHT budgets, I strive to make each kit with the ability to be used MANY times over, thus stretching our scrapping dollars!!!
Part of what I lost on my blog last night was to address the issue that many are having with 4-Shared's upgrade. I, personally, LOVE it! I will give you a TIP to make it easier for you to leave comments as I think ALL of us designers have noticed a significant drop in them since the change!!! I normally average somewhere around 15% in comments received. Lately, they have dwindled to around 5%!!! That is a HUGE difference and as I am sure you are all aware, we THRIVE on your feedback, which gives us INSPIRATION and the DRIVE to keep on creating FREEBIES for you!!! It's just nice to know that you are appreciated, isn't it?
When I have a few free moments away from designing, I LOVE to visit my favorite blogs, as well as some new ones, and I always leave a comment whether I download or not. Now that's just ME as I LOVE to encourage others. I think it is MOST appropriate to at least say "thank you" when receiving a FREE gift that someone has put their HEART and SOUL into making to share. You've NEVER heard me bring this up before and, most likely, you will not again. I'm just sharing what I'm seeing addressed by some of my favorite designers whose blogs I visit on a fairly regular basis. It hurts my heart to think that SO many people are enjoying someone else's hard work and have not even had the courtesy to say "thanks". If it seems to take a little extra time, something to consider is the TIME that the designer has put into creating the item that you are downloading. I guarantee it is MUCH more than what it takes to say thank you.
TO all of you who are CONTINUALLY generous with your commenting here at Bon Scrapatit Designs and elsewhere, I wish to say as I many times do, THANK YOU!!! Y'all ROCK ... and then SOME and you MAKE my day and put a HUGE smile on my face and make me CHUCKLE at times to when you share!!! Your comments are what make you REAL to me and I feel just as if you were one of my FAMILY members!!!
Okay, here is my tip for killing two birds with ONE stone or translated into scrapping lingo .... a DOWNLOAD and a COMMENT with ONE click of the MOUSE!!! ROFL! Actually, it will be TWO clicks of the mouse.
After clicking on the 4-Shared DOWNLOAD button and making sure that your download has started, you may then click on the BACK ARROW located at the VERY left-hand portion of your screen (mine is green). This will take you back to the designer's blog and you can now leave a comment while your download is doing it's thing!!! Well, gee, that will be THREE clicks of the mouse, sorry! Anyhoo, you may also download more than one link at a time as well. For example, if you find more than one freebie on the same blog that you wish to download, you follow the same tip as above - hitting the BACK ARROW and clicking on the next download.
You may, of course, leave your comment on 4-Shared too!
Hope that works for y'all and I would LOVE to hear some feedback from those of you who give it a go! THANK YOU!!!
I'd better get myself to bed so I can "get 'er done" tomorrow. I will be away late morning til mid-afternoon so I hope to have everything ready-to-go come late evening.
I LOVE Y'ALL and hope that you enjoy tonight's scrapatit. I just LOVE the look of a CLASSIC pair of BLUE JEANS with a SLIGHTLY wrinkled white t-shirt!!! Don't y'all???
Night all, see you tomorrow for??? FANTABULOUS FREEBIE FRIDAY!!! WOO HOO!!!!
P.S. I apologize for being EXTRA windy tonight, but I was having to post what I lost from last night's! I will NEVER, God willing, make the BOO-BOO I did last night again. I cut my text to post the images and forgot to paste it back in before going to the store to copy my kit link!!! Lesson learned!!! Somehow I think getting more sleep might help a bit as well!!! Thanks for your patience.
I have had a VERY rough day today with my boys, who are now all adults!!! It was time for a family meeting after Robert arrived home, so naturally my designing was put on hold for the third day in a row this week!!! Come to think of it, you might not wish to take me to Vegas with you with my streak of luck this week, however, I surely could use the vacation right about now!!! Anyhoo, we accomplished a great deal at our little POW-WOW and, hopefully, things will settle down a bit now due to some misunderstandings! Communication is TRULY the basis for a solid foundation in ANY relationship!!!
I am sure that MOST all of you, if not ALL of you, will agree that times are getting pretty tough for MOST everyone. This is why I have three out of my six children still living at home. Actually, my oldest son had moved out and has been back now for nearly a year and a half. He is nearing 26-years of age. The twins will be 19 next month. It is simply TOO difficult for the "average" Joe to live on his/her own at the present time. Robert and I were reminiscing about how we were able to leave home and afford our OWN apartment making minimum-wage back in the day! I SO hope that things will start turning around for the better pretty soon. For my children's sake as well as my sanity!!! ROFL! I've been having visions of little men in white coats coming to take me away, he, he, HA, HA!!!
On to the GOOD stuff!
The rules and/or guidelines for the 3 Scrapateers' Half-n-Half is as follows:
Purchase the FIRST half of the scrapkit, *Jeanealogy of a Man, Part One* for the FABULOUS price of ONLY $3.00. Use your AMAZING creative juices and create a layout (using tonight's free scrapatit does NOT count!). Post your layout in the SPECIAL current Half-n-Half 3Scrapateers' gallery and you will receive, from me, a BONUS add-on absolutely FREE!!! Those of you who have played along with me in the past KNOW that my add-ons are equal to OR more than the first part, RIGHT??? Uh, huh!!!
For your convenience, I am now posting DIRECT links to the kit in my 3S store as well as a link to the proper gallery for you to upload your layout to. I cannot wait to see your MASTERPIECES and if you've noticed that I've temporarily moved the slideshow for *Those Were The Daisies*, that is to make room for a NEW slideshow to showcase ALL of the layouts that are posted in the gallery. You may add your layout to the slideshow after posting to the gallery, but if not, I will post it for you.
My Half-n-Half chat is scheduled for Thursday night, June 12th (the day after my birthday!) at 10:00 pm EST. For those attending the chat, you will receive yet MORE free goodies that will coordinate with *Jeanealogy of a Man*!!! You just NEVER know what I might have awaiting you!!!
Oh, I almost forgot. I will be posting in the FORUM sometime tomorrow and I will place the DIRECT link to it right along with the gallery so that you can post the link to your layout once uploaded. The reason we ask that you post your link in the forum is to make sure that we DO NOT miss any layouts that may have been uploaded to the incorrect gallery. There are TOO many layouts being uploaded each day to go searching through the gallery to locate them, so posting in the forum makes it a SURE thing for receiving your BONUS!!! Your BONUS will be sent to you via the 3Scrapateers's "private messaging" system.
The DEADLINE for posting your layout will be MIDNIGHT EST, Friday, June 13th (my LUCKY day!), however, I will still be checking for layouts posted Saturday morning. If you have ANY questions or concerns, please e-mail me: lindawalton (at) 3scrapateers (dot) com
I have really had a FUN time with this kit having a HOUSE-FULL of men!!! Although I've not really advertised this as a FATHER'S DAY scrapkit and if you know me well enough by now, it will make for WONDERFUL Father's Day layout and/or cards and altered projects, however, it is versatile enough for EVERYDAY scrapping as well!!! With MOST of us being on fairly TIGHT budgets, I strive to make each kit with the ability to be used MANY times over, thus stretching our scrapping dollars!!!
Part of what I lost on my blog last night was to address the issue that many are having with 4-Shared's upgrade. I, personally, LOVE it! I will give you a TIP to make it easier for you to leave comments as I think ALL of us designers have noticed a significant drop in them since the change!!! I normally average somewhere around 15% in comments received. Lately, they have dwindled to around 5%!!! That is a HUGE difference and as I am sure you are all aware, we THRIVE on your feedback, which gives us INSPIRATION and the DRIVE to keep on creating FREEBIES for you!!! It's just nice to know that you are appreciated, isn't it?
When I have a few free moments away from designing, I LOVE to visit my favorite blogs, as well as some new ones, and I always leave a comment whether I download or not. Now that's just ME as I LOVE to encourage others. I think it is MOST appropriate to at least say "thank you" when receiving a FREE gift that someone has put their HEART and SOUL into making to share. You've NEVER heard me bring this up before and, most likely, you will not again. I'm just sharing what I'm seeing addressed by some of my favorite designers whose blogs I visit on a fairly regular basis. It hurts my heart to think that SO many people are enjoying someone else's hard work and have not even had the courtesy to say "thanks". If it seems to take a little extra time, something to consider is the TIME that the designer has put into creating the item that you are downloading. I guarantee it is MUCH more than what it takes to say thank you.
TO all of you who are CONTINUALLY generous with your commenting here at Bon Scrapatit Designs and elsewhere, I wish to say as I many times do, THANK YOU!!! Y'all ROCK ... and then SOME and you MAKE my day and put a HUGE smile on my face and make me CHUCKLE at times to when you share!!! Your comments are what make you REAL to me and I feel just as if you were one of my FAMILY members!!!
Okay, here is my tip for killing two birds with ONE stone or translated into scrapping lingo .... a DOWNLOAD and a COMMENT with ONE click of the MOUSE!!! ROFL! Actually, it will be TWO clicks of the mouse.
After clicking on the 4-Shared DOWNLOAD button and making sure that your download has started, you may then click on the BACK ARROW located at the VERY left-hand portion of your screen (mine is green). This will take you back to the designer's blog and you can now leave a comment while your download is doing it's thing!!! Well, gee, that will be THREE clicks of the mouse, sorry! Anyhoo, you may also download more than one link at a time as well. For example, if you find more than one freebie on the same blog that you wish to download, you follow the same tip as above - hitting the BACK ARROW and clicking on the next download.
You may, of course, leave your comment on 4-Shared too!
Hope that works for y'all and I would LOVE to hear some feedback from those of you who give it a go! THANK YOU!!!
I'd better get myself to bed so I can "get 'er done" tomorrow. I will be away late morning til mid-afternoon so I hope to have everything ready-to-go come late evening.
I LOVE Y'ALL and hope that you enjoy tonight's scrapatit. I just LOVE the look of a CLASSIC pair of BLUE JEANS with a SLIGHTLY wrinkled white t-shirt!!! Don't y'all???
Night all, see you tomorrow for??? FANTABULOUS FREEBIE FRIDAY!!! WOO HOO!!!!
P.S. I apologize for being EXTRA windy tonight, but I was having to post what I lost from last night's! I will NEVER, God willing, make the BOO-BOO I did last night again. I cut my text to post the images and forgot to paste it back in before going to the store to copy my kit link!!! Lesson learned!!! Somehow I think getting more sleep might help a bit as well!!! Thanks for your patience.

This was taken on a fishing trip with Robert's younger
brother, Clint and Robert's two youngest sons, Wyatt
and Garret. Pop LOVES to fish and one day I'll just
have to scrap the photos of he, Robert and I fishing
here on BEAUTIFUL Lake Tulloch! Y'all know that
I don't fish - they did and I "snapped" photos!!!
