>> Saturday, June 7, 2008
Here is a little goody for you to add to your collection. I am SO thrilled that y'all are liking it thus far. I'm just putting the finishing touches on your FREE bonus add-on for posting a layout. All details are posted via the attached links beneath the *Jenealogy of a Man* slideshow located on the upper portion of the sidebar here on my blog.
I try to keep things simple for you by adding in DIRECT links to the 3S chatroom come chat time and to the post in the forum where you can get the scoop on how to receive the FREE add-on and where to post your layout and link when finished posting.
Holler at me if you have any questions or if I make a boo-boo somewhere!!! Thankfully, I had some eyes that are, obviously, MUCH sharper than mine find a MAJOR typo in the 3S forum where I'd posted info about this week's Half-n-Half early this afternoon!!! I don't think y'all wish to wait until January 15th to play along!!! ROTFLMO!!! Thanks Marilynne - you ROCK! BTW - I had posted it that way at DST as well!!! EEEEEKS, and NO one had caught it yet thank goodness!!!
Okay, NUFF said, here's *Jenealogy of a Man*, Scrapatit #2!
SWEET DREAMS and I'll catch ya on the FLIP-FLOP ... he, he .... uh, huh ... you guessed it - it's RUM DUMMY HOUR here at Bon Scrapatit Designs! This girl best head for bed before she turns into a pumpkin OR worse!!!
Linda :)
P.S. I will start setting up a new slideshow for your *Jeanealogy of a Man* layouts tomorrow and will be posting it at the top as I have in the past so that EVERYONE who visits can ADMIRE your MASTERPIECES!!! Y'all are INSPIRING lots of others to "GET 'ER DONE"!!! Oh wait, no, that's me that needs to "GET 'ER DONE". Y'all are inspiring others to PRESERVE their MOST precious and PRICELESS memories!!! THANK YOU!
Lohgan's photo shoot on Santa Cruz beach. Photo
courtesy of Rossetti Photography in Tracy, CA