>> Monday, March 2, 2009
I have had the PRIVILEGE of knowing Sassy now for a GOOD three years and when I say she is my "virtually" adopted daughter, that is no joke. I have had the UNDYING pleasure of watching her babies grow and even received an e-mail message from her in the hospital after she gave birth to baby Joshua ten months ago which included a first photo! There is hardly a day go by that we don't "type" a greeting to one another if for no other purpose than to let the other know that we are ALIVE and WELL! Just yesterday I got to view some ADORABLE videos of Joshua and even downloaded Quicktime to be able to do so as Sarah uses a MAC or two!!! One day I shall have mine, God willing! LOL!
In the last of the four videos I viewed, I saw poor little Joshua sleeping on his daddy's or mummy's chest and heard his VERY weazy, raspy breathing. This is ULTIMATELY what has caused for Sassy's need to step away for a break and to focus on her SWEET babes and, of course, her ONE big babe, Ben!!! They shall be getting married next month so that requires A LOT of attention as well, eh? You bet your SWEET bippy it does! I am SOOOO excited for their ENTIRE family!
SO, what is the GOOD, GOOD news for y'all??? How about 75% off of ALL of Designs by Sassy products now through the end of March??? WOO HOO!!! And let me tell you, she has got some AWESOME stuffies in her stores. I think I own just about all of her CU items, especially her GRUNGE and FLORAL overlays and ALL of her INCREDIBLY generous grab bags that have been filled to the brim with DELIGHTFUL goodies to inspire ANY scrapper and/or designer!
SOOOOO, what are we waiting for??? Follow me on over to Sarah's blog for a little FREEBIE of CU keys, leave her some BIG lovin' and then head on over to her store to SHOP till you DROP with prices unheard of!!! Designs by Sassy is located HERE
I am posting SEVERAL previews to give you a GOOD idea of what Sarah has to offer and the FINAL preview is of the CU Keys FREEBIE and beneath shall be a link to Sarah's blog to download. THANK YOU! Oh, and nothing that I have posted is OVER $1.00. Most items are less with the exception of her package deals, which are still an even BETTER buy! I've also linked EACH preview to where it is actually located in Sarah's store. HAPPY SHOPPING!!! I just might bump my cart into yours in ALL of my EXCITEMENT so I'll say "excuse me" ahead of time!!! *wink*
Thank you ALL, each and EVERY one for your continued support and SWEETEST comments this side of DIGILAND!!! *BIG GRIN*
Much love,
Linda *hearts*