>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A HUGE thank you to ALL of you wishing my LOVELY Robert, as Vicki calls him, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! He was like TOTALLY overwhelmed by the NUMEROUS blog comments and by ALL of the phone calls he received today!!! He is SO funny! He says to me, "I've had MORE calls this year than in the past. It must be that everyone KNOWS that I AM getting older now"!!! What a NUT! He cracks me up! Well, I shall say this for him, he SURELY makes the 50's look ABSOLUTELY fabulous!!! *wink*
I have some SPECIAL goodies to share with you from Snowsmoon's Design!!! ARGH!!! Aye mateys, you will LOVE the TREASURE she has awaiting you on her BLOG ! Seek the treasure (preview below with link beneath it) and you'll be scrapping your photos rather than swabbing the deck ... er, uhm, I mean mopping the kitchen floor!!! LOL! While there, make sure and take a trip over to her store at One Single Seed where she has an AWESOME blowout sale on ALL of her kits until MIDNIGHT tonight (NO FOOLING HERE!!!) for ONLY $1.00!!! What a FABULOUS way to build up your stash! If you've not seen Dawn's BUGS kit, OMGosh, you just HAVE to snag it while it is only a buck!!! Dawn has been working her bootsky off making NEW stuff that will be unveiled and available for purchase come April 1st! Check out her blog and read ALL about it!!! *BIG SMILE*
Oh, before I forget, I am going to post with each download a little reminder to wait a few minutes or come back later if you have difficulty downloading any of my goodies. Sometimes we just happen to be in downloading when MANY others are as well and we might get an error code. I've learned over time to just busy myself with something else and to come back at at time when I know the traffic won't be bumper-to-bumper and/or gridlocked!!! Hope y'all have have a FANTASTIC start to your week and I wish you a day FULL of SCRAP HAPPINESS!!!
Linda :)
P.S. *SUNRISE, SUNSET* will remain active on my blog throughout the coming weeknend and will then be packaged up and put into my store at One Single Seed! Yes, I am finally going to put some things up for sale as I have spent OODLES on CU goodies and I need to make an attempt to balance the scale!!! Y'all know HOW that goes, eh? LOL! I will still be bringing you LOTS of goodies right here on my blog so NO worries about that!!! I will put a store link on my blog when I have at least five kits uploaded! LOL! No sense in sending you over there to empty shelves!!! HORRORS! ROFL!
Remember, this Wednesday at NOON EST, the April DST Blog Train shall be departing and my preview and link will replace the old one at EXACTLY noontime on April 1st!!! I will have a link to the next blog included in my post, as well as a link to the blog train blog below my preview on the sidebar. OMGosh y'all, you won't believe many designers have contributed this time around!!! WOO, WOOOOOOOO!!! The name of this train is *SPRING BLOSSOMS*!!!