>> Wednesday, April 1, 2009
YES!!! TODAY is THE DAY!!! The HUGE April Mega Blog Train, *SPRING BLOSSOMS*, is now departing from the DST forum and heading out and about and ALL through SCRAPLAND to bring y'all a "train load" of scrapping delights!!! The train was scheduled to depart at NOON EST!!! This is NOT an April fool's .... I repeat, NO kidding here!!! OVER 90 designers have participated this time around and let me tell you, there are LOTS of GORGEOUS goodies to fill up those FRESHLY cleaned hard drives for some SERIOUS SPRING SCRAPPING!!!
Here is a slideshow of MOST all contributing designer's contributions:
Your NEXT stop from my blog is: LAURA M DESIGNS
You may view ALL participating links and a slideshow by visiting the BLOG TRAIN BLOG
I know this is going to be hectic, SO put on your seatbelts!!! Please be patient as we are posting from ALL over the world and in MANY different time zones. If you don't see a blog with it's links up, jot it down so that you can try back later! ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT .... this is DEFINITELY one of those times where you may find yourself unable to download due to error messages and such. NO worries, you just KNOW the traffic is going to be backed up, so give it a few minutes and then try again. I normally try to download something of this magnitude during times when I know not as many people will be online! LOL! Ah YAH, a method to THE madness!
Please make sure to leave a "thank you" to ALL of those you download from! I guarantee it will WARM hearts and leave the designer AWE-INSPIRED!!! MWAH!
Here is my preview with the download link immediately beneath it! *Note* - ALL items show in the wreath cluster are also included in individual PNG files for you to use your own creative imagination!
See y'all back here later with some updates on Snowsmoon's Design and Monna Lainson's FIRSTEVER collaboration at One Single Seed!!! Mmmmmm, it ROCKS y'all!!!
ABOVE all else - HAVE FUN and let's see those layouts!!! I'm a STARVIN' artist and in need of an EYECANDY fix!!! Mmmmmmmm ... *twinkle in eye*
Keep your eyes peeled as I do plan to post an ADD-ON to *SPRING BLOSSOMS* before the week is out and tomorrow night I shall be in to post Part Three of *SUNRISE, SUNSET*!!!
ENJOY and may your day be FULL of SCRAP HAPPININS'!!!
Later gators ...
Linda :)
P.S. I neglected to leave out one VERY important piece of information - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to Trish of Trish H Designs for her organization and execution of this MOST amazing Mega Blog Train!!! MWAH!
(papers and embellishments are all in one today!)
File size is 32.1 MB
Media Fire makes for a QUICK and EASY download for y'all, however, there is no place to leave a comment so please feel free to leave one here on my blog - they are all SO motivating! XOXO