>> Sunday, April 5, 2009
Robert and I spent yesterday shopping for birthday gifts for Josh and for our grandson, Kaleb who turns "one" on Tuesday. I arrived home hurting from head-to-toe and took the rest of the day off and took my time getting it going this morning. I am awaiting Robert's return from picking John up from work and then we are headed out for a walk. I am DETERMINED to keep on moving!!! WOO HOO! It is SO beautiful here and the air is FRESH and today has boasted of a fairly typical spring day. The temperature made it to 70 degrees, although it took much of the day to warm up to that! It is GORGEOUS and I would be content for every day to be as it is today!
LOL! I am SO tickled reading your replies as to where you have or where you might wish to retire to! YES, I, too, plan on retiring to SCRAPLAND as that is a given! It sounds like MOST of you are already living where you wish to stay and I think that is SO wonderful! Thank you SO much for sharing with me as it allows me to get to know you just a little bit more! MWAH!
Today's goody, which should have been to you yesterday, is the second coordinating alpha to *Sunrise, Sunset* and is also the THIRD plaid epoxy alpha and that is why I have numbered it. I thought if I named it simply as a Plaid Epoxy Alpha that you might end up with mixed alphas in the same file! Now, let's hope I don't lose count as I'm sure you can tell that I, as many of you, LOVE plaid!!!
I wish you ALL a FABULOUS week ahead and would LOVE to hear what y'all have planned for Easter! We are gathering with Robert's side of the family as well as one of our SIL's side of the family - it is a HUGE gathering and SOOOO much FUN!
See you tomorrow!
Much love,
Linda :)