>> Thursday, April 9, 2009
Popping in to say HELLO, to let you know that I will be back in a couple of hours with an ADD-ON to my contribution to the *Spring Blossoms* blog train via the Blog Train Blog AND to ask how many of you plan on watching the new 13-week series, *Harper's Island* on CBS???
I don't watch television very often, however, Robert just recently installed a Direct TV unit in our bedroom, which is also where I work on the computer so I tend to hear A LOT more than I am used to! Well, I've seen a couple of interviews with a couple of the actors that will be starring on *Harper's Island* and my wannabe "detective" juices started flowing and YES, I shall be tuning in and hope to keep up so I can come to my OWN conclusions as to who dunnit! This SO reminds me of my growing up years and playing one of my favorite board games, CLUE! Ahhhh, yes, it was the butler in the living room with a wrench! ROFL! Remember those days y'all???
Anyhoo, each week one person will be killed and by week 13, we will then be privy as to which character is responsible. Kind of funny for me as I am not into reading murder mysteries, so not quite sure why this is appealing to me other than the fact that I get to play detective and it is a nice distraction for what caputres my attention most of the day!
The weekend is drawing near, it is raining here in Northern California and we will be away most of the weekend! It looks as though the sun will be shining come Easter Sunday, which is a GOOD thing since we will be picknicking at the park! Where are y'all headed to?
See y'all after while ...
Linda :)