>> Friday, April 3, 2009
Did anyone remember the acronym for MAN in my greeting yesterday??? M - morning, A - afternoon and N - night!!! That way I am addressing everyone around the globe! I will mostly use it when posting late at night as I realize that my digi-sisters across the pond are starting their day!'
Today is FRI-HEEEEE-DAY as my SWEET Robert declares! While he ADORES his job, I think he appreciates his weekends home just a WEE big more and SO looks forward to driving through our gate and not HAVING to leave again the next morning. Funny, but the two of us have come from the Silicon Valley, ear-marked for BUMPER-TO-BUMPER traffic and GRIDLOCK and at this stage of our lives and post-children, RELISH the slower pace of the foothills! We have been known to say MANY a time, "you could NOT pay us to move back to the Bay Area"! In fact, we wish to move a little further up the mountain in the next year or two, God willing! A LOVELY and QUAINT town that shall NEVER see excessive population and is nestled amongst California Redwoods and Tall Pines! I actually lived there for a VERY brief time right out of high school and have "dreamed" of retiring there the past decade or so.
Where would y'all like to retire to OR where HAVE you already retired to?
This evening, is the first of TWO alphas to coordinate with *Sunrise, Sunset* - it is a torn cardboard and fabric alpha consisting of Lower-Case letters and Numerals.
I shall be back tomorrow evening with the *Plaid Epoxy* that also coordinates with *Sunrise, Sunset*.
Wishing you ALL a MOST glorious weekend! I shall be up to my ears in taxes but am actually looking forward to it! LOL! Am I CRAZY??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... perhaps! *wink*
Bon Scrapatit!
Linda :)