>> Friday, April 10, 2009
Okay, I am in need of help so that I can complete my add-on for *Spring Blossoms* and get it delivered to y'all ASAP!
I am seeing JAGGIES on ALL of my circles! I've had this happen before and it would usually remedy itself, however, this time is not as forgiving. I had my BFF check out my dotted paper and she saw the JAGGIES as well, so something is up over here in my Photoshop! He, he ...
Does anyone have ANY ideas they can toss my way as to why this might be happening and how I might find my way back to SMOOTH edges??? I have cleared my actions palette, closed PS and completely rebooted my system and I am STILL getting those dratted JAGGIES! What's up with that? Anyone know?
I am headed to bed and hoping that a good night's sleep shall find me REFRESHED in the morning and able to take this on again until I get it figured out! Meanwhile, any shares from y'all are MOST welcome and I am FOREVER grateful for any light that can be shed on my dilemma!
Linda :)