>> Thursday, April 16, 2009
I have not spoken about this up until now as it has been on the news daily since Sandra went missing, however, it is VERY close to us as Robert lived in Tracy for 18 years and raised his three oldest sons there. Tracy is only an hour a way from us. My daughter, Joan, lived there for a couple of years and it is a VERY personal community.
My boys and I used to stop at the Arco station for gas located on the corner and just about a block from the mobile home park where Sandra lived. On our way to our family Easter picnic, we passed by the church where the young woman, accused of her murder, taught Sunday school. We were on 205 which is a connector between Interstate 5 and 580. You would NEVER have known anything had happened unless you'd been watching the news and/or lived in Tracy. My heart was VERY heavy when passing through both on our way to the picnic and again on our return trip home.
The outpouring of LOVE and SUPPORT to the Cantu family was not ONLY touching, but almost overwhelming. It has brought the residents of Tracy that much closer and will have more people talking and making sure that the young children of their community are looked after more closely. Even so, Sandra's life was taken by the mother of her best friend. So sad, so tragic.
I leave you this evening with Part Two of my *Spring Gradient Alpha*, which includes numerals 0-9 and lower-case letters, a-z!
Thank you SO much for ALL of your LOVLEY comments! Y'all ROCK ... and and then some. I will be fairly scarce the next week as we celebrate a birthday on Saturday and will be away most of next week.
Please don't forget about the GUESTBOOK at the bottom of my blog where you can upload any layouts that you create using my designs or a greeting letting us know where you are from!
Have a FABULOUS tomorrow!
Love and hugs,
Linda :)