>> Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Robert and I, both, SO thought that we'd have Internet, but like a couple of country bumpkins soon found out that ALL hotels in the area we needed to lodge in used WI-FI and there was no DSL to be found!!! ROFL! I am now MORE determined than ever to make sure that we stay abreast of the latest technology in and OUT of our home! BUMMER, but .... I must say that I had a NICE and RELAXING week!
We actually attempted to look for a WI-FI card two evenings but were both SO tired that I finally told Robert not to worry about it and that I would just work on some designing while he was in class from 9-5 for three days! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAAAAAA!!! Wouldn't you know it - I then had software issues and was too tuckered to deal with them so did not really touch the laptop much until late in the afternoon of day number three! Why was I SO pooped? Well, I overdid myself prior to our departure as I really wanted to come home to a clean house and not have to worry about it when we returned. I had a HUGE fibro flare-up and spent the better part of the first two days in our hotel room sleeping! We were also in record breaking temperatures and were running the air conditioner non-stop so as to be comfortable. *smile*
By the end of day three, we were both trying to figure out WHY we were feeling SO lethargic and just wanted to hang out in our hotel room after Robert returned from training! It had cooled down enough for us to turn off the air and open the windows. It did not take long for us to both feel much different - AWAKE even!!! ROFL! I slept most of those first two days because my eyes would get SO heavy that I could not focus on the laptop or even on the television! HELP! I hurt from head-to-toe as well, but I can usually manage that - heavy eyes are another matter! Oh, and I could not find any toothpicks so I had NO choice but to close them! He, he ...
Anyhoo, I bet y'all might have a good idea as to the WHY of our inability to want to do anything other than kick-back in our hotel room! Does FRESH air come to mind??? Uh, huh! We figured it had to do with the air conditioning unit as I actually stayed awake the entire day following and we noticed that we were fine when out for dinner and such!
All-in-all, I just have to say that my stubborn, die-hard nature gets put to rest whether I am game or not! Thank you Daddy!
I hope that y'all have had a FABULOUS past week and please feel free to catch me up on anything that I may have missed! I am working on the finishing touches to my creations for Kim B's April Colour Challenge over at DSO and just might have the first installment ready for y'all later tonight! This month's colors were DEFINITELY challenging for me, but then I SO love a GOOD challenge now and then! I hope that y'all will enjoy what I've mustered up! This evening's goody is a little taste of what is to come, however, it does NOT represent the ENTIRE color palette which also includes hues of blue and heather! Bon Scrapatit!
See you later gators and I wish you a MOST scraptabulous week!
Love and hugs,
Linda :)
P.S. While it has crossed my mind, if any of you have sent an e-mail to me at lindawalton (at) caltel (dot) com sometime this past month or so and have not received a reply, would you please mail me at bonscrapatitdesigns (at) gmail (dot) com. I am no longer able to keep up with my personal mail addy as Facebook fills my inbox to the point where it takes time I do not have to go through and delete, delete, delete and, therefore, I have opened a new e-mail account for y'all to use when wishing to correspond with me personally. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. MWAH!
*UPDATE* - I am not sure why a few have difficulty with downloads, but as I have mentioned several times, if you are not able to download right away, give it a little time and try again as when multiple persons are downloading at the same time, GRIDLOCK happens! Now that I have deleted files from 4-shared, I will go back to to uploading my freebies via 4-shared as there are NO pop-up's intruding your eye space! Personally, I would rather have to wait ten seconds to download than dealing with those annoying "flash" ads coming my way and blocking what I am really after! LOL! Bon Scrapatit!