>> Monday, April 13, 2009
We had a GRAND time this weekend celebrating Kaleb's FIRST birthday with his mommy's side of the family and then yesterday with Robert's family PLUS at a HUGE family Easter picnic!!! Let's just say that we both awoke this morning feeling zapped from TWO full days of activity and not arriving home until 10:00 pm!!! We get the ENTIRE week to recuperate before starting all over again this coming weekend when we will be celebrating our niece, Halia's SECOND birthday! Can we say V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N??? Uh, huh ... the following week we are off to Sacramento for Robert's audit training and we will be a nice hotel for three days and three nights! Oh yes, I get to use Robert's laptop while he is in class and I will even have a 32-inch screen to hook it up to, BUT, I don't think I will use it as from what I've seen, it is attached to the wall and a little higher than I would like ..... UNLESS, it has some AMAZING adjustments!!! WOO HOO! With a little luck, I might even have the opportunity to take pictures of our Capitol building! :)
So far, I've uploaded 60 photos to Facebook from yesterday and hope to get the rest up later tonight. Tomorrow, I will be uploading Kaleb's birthday photos and I will also post a few from each event here on my blog!
This evening I have a "scrapatit" from *Spring Blossoms* which will be PERFECTLY suited to ANY of your spring and/or Easter photos! I have used a photo of our niece, Malia. Malia was a breath of FRESH air in her BRIGHT yellow dress with BRIGHT blue accents!!! This took me back to the same colors I wore back in the latter 80's!!! LOVE them! Malia is such a LOVELY young lady and just as SWEET as can be. She is a nurse with a BRILLIANT sense of humor! Runs in the family me thinks! LOL!
I am off to clean house since we were away for the entire weekend and I will be working on getting a few scrapkits uploaded to my store at One Single Seed this coming week as well as some NEW goodies for y'all!
Take care, rest easy and SCRAP HAPPY!
Linda :)