>> Thursday, August 21, 2008
I mentioned to y'all last night that I was going to ask Sandy if she would be SO kind as to let me share with you the WONDERFUL gift she had for me when I returned from Washington and Sandy has agreed to let me share them with y'all!!!
I have LONG admired Sandy's CREATIVE and BEAUTIFUL brag book pages since seeing them posted in the 3Scrapateers' gallery over the past several years. You know how it is when you are cruising through a gallery and a layout just JUMPS out at you??? Well, that is how it is with Sandy's layouts and brag book pages!!! Boy, was I ever honored when she asked if I'd like her to make some for me to scrap my daughter's wedding photos with! Uh, YEAH!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!
So, tonight, I am starting you off with Sandy's delightful cover page along with page one and page two! There will be a TOTAL of eight pages and I will give them to you two at time (aside from tonight's which includes the cover page) over the next four days while I prepare to conclude the month of August and begin to prepare for the new month ahead, which is FULL of birthdays for our families as well as BIRTHDAY NUMBER FOUR for 3Scrapateers!!!
Please make sure to leave some of your FABULOUS lovin' and "thank you's" for Ms. Sandy!!!
DINEY: Thank you for making me feel better about my photo of THE KISS!!! I had thought the same thing and found that I actually liked the "out of focus" effect!!! Your comment was greatly appreciated!
KAREN: I neglected to finish my story last night with the fact that I had successfully downloaded all photos from all cards. I just was not able to reuse them. When I returned home I put the cards in MY camera and manually erased all photos and that did the trick. There was SO much going on around me at the reception that my mind could not wrap around doing it that way right then and there!!! Tell DH I am MOST appreciative of his advice and that I had not thought about anything different happening by putting my cards in another camera. Lesson learned! LOL!
HAPPY SCRAPPING EVERYONE and have a FANTABULOUS FRIDAY!!! Ya just know there will be a FREEBIE, don't ya??? Make sure to visit tomorrow night for the next two pages of Sandy's AWESOME *Summer Wedding* brag book!
Love ya,
Linda :)
I mentioned to y'all last night that I was going to ask Sandy if she would be SO kind as to let me share with you the WONDERFUL gift she had for me when I returned from Washington and Sandy has agreed to let me share them with y'all!!!
I have LONG admired Sandy's CREATIVE and BEAUTIFUL brag book pages since seeing them posted in the 3Scrapateers' gallery over the past several years. You know how it is when you are cruising through a gallery and a layout just JUMPS out at you??? Well, that is how it is with Sandy's layouts and brag book pages!!! Boy, was I ever honored when she asked if I'd like her to make some for me to scrap my daughter's wedding photos with! Uh, YEAH!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!
So, tonight, I am starting you off with Sandy's delightful cover page along with page one and page two! There will be a TOTAL of eight pages and I will give them to you two at time (aside from tonight's which includes the cover page) over the next four days while I prepare to conclude the month of August and begin to prepare for the new month ahead, which is FULL of birthdays for our families as well as BIRTHDAY NUMBER FOUR for 3Scrapateers!!!
Please make sure to leave some of your FABULOUS lovin' and "thank you's" for Ms. Sandy!!!
DINEY: Thank you for making me feel better about my photo of THE KISS!!! I had thought the same thing and found that I actually liked the "out of focus" effect!!! Your comment was greatly appreciated!
KAREN: I neglected to finish my story last night with the fact that I had successfully downloaded all photos from all cards. I just was not able to reuse them. When I returned home I put the cards in MY camera and manually erased all photos and that did the trick. There was SO much going on around me at the reception that my mind could not wrap around doing it that way right then and there!!! Tell DH I am MOST appreciative of his advice and that I had not thought about anything different happening by putting my cards in another camera. Lesson learned! LOL!
HAPPY SCRAPPING EVERYONE and have a FANTABULOUS FRIDAY!!! Ya just know there will be a FREEBIE, don't ya??? Make sure to visit tomorrow night for the next two pages of Sandy's AWESOME *Summer Wedding* brag book!
Love ya,
Linda :)

The time is 12:30 am PST - link has been tested and is in
proper working order! I have MORE layouts to add to the
slide show and would LOVE to see MORE from y'all too!
I am SO thrilled to see SO many WONDERFUL wedding
memories being preserved with *Summer Wedding* - TY!